Startup Boost πŸš€

Promote your project on and reach thousands of potential customers and early adopters for $149 $69/mo.

yes!Β Get featured now

Super-charge your startup's growth πŸš€

Here's everything you get for just $49/mo
πŸš€ Get your startup featured on our website homepage all month (at the very top) for maximum visibility and eyeballs.

🀩 Your startup will also be featured on the "All Products" page above all other free listings.

πŸ’Œ Get featured (1x per month) in our weekly newsletter that's read by over 12,000 startup founders and entrepreneurs.

Just think about this for a second... 🧠
Promoting your project on helps you get discovered by potential customers and early adopters.
The lifetime value of just one of your customers is worth SO much more than $49.
Just ONE new customer a month will give you a positive ROI.

It takes less than a minute to sign-up.

Not happy with the results? Cancel anytime.

No questions asked.


Promoting your project on helps you reach 12,000 startup founders, entrepreneurs and indie makers.

Here's everything you get for just $149 $69/mo
πŸš€ Your startup will be featured at the top on our website homepage all month (recurring)

πŸ’Œ Get a shout-out in our newsletter when you sign-up (1x)

😎 Displayed among the top startups on the homepage
It takes less than a minute to sign-up.
Not happy with the results? Cancel anytime.

No questions asked.


Recurring payment
$149/mo $69/mo
Early bird πŸ”₯
Get featured ($69/mo)
  • Featured on the homepage (1 month)
  • Featured in newsletter (1x on sign-up)
  • Lock in early-bird discounted price
    Save $80 per month (early bird)
  • Cancel anytime

Here's everything you need to know
‍before signing up... πŸ€”
1. What happens after I sign-up?
Once you've selected your subscription and paid, you'll be redirected to a form where you can share more information about your startup which will then be used to create a listing for you on our site.


2. What kind of startups can I promote?
You can promote any type of startup - SaaS, Agency, Marketplace, Directory, Digital Product, Productized Service, Newsletter, Mobile app, Community etc.

All submissions are vetted and any startup not meeting our quality standards will be rejected and refunded immediately.

3. What countries are your users from?
The top 10 countries of's visitors are United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, India, France, Brazil, Spain, and the Netherlands.


4. On which pages is my startup going to be promoted?
All premium startups get featured at the top on our website homepage and on the "All Products" page above general/free listings.

Premium startups are also featured once per month in our weekly newsletter read by 12,000 startup founders, entrepreneurs and indie makers.


5. How long will my listing be featured for?
Your startup will be featured for the entire duration of your plan. If you purchase a yearly subscription, your startup will be featured for a full 12 months before renewing.

Startup listings are only featured in the weekly newsletter once per month. If you have a yearly subscription, your startup will be featured in 12x newsletter issues over the course of the year.

Have more questions? πŸ’Œ
Reach out to me on