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13,000+ of the most ambitious people on the planet

Our subscribers are mostly startup founders, business owners and indie makers.

indie hacker project takes off

Highly engaged audience

On average our emails see a 45% open rate and 20% click rate, way above industry average.

Global audience of startup founders

Top reader origins include United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, India.

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The best way to promote your startup, SaaS, product, newsletter, marketplace, service, agency, app, resource and more.

13,000+ subscribers
45% average open rate
15% average click rate
Startup founders and entrepreneurs
Primarily US, UK and Europe based
Reach over 13,000+ potential customers and early adopters

Your Investment Options

Contact us for discounts on multi-issue buys.

Newsletter Classified Ad
£400 £169
per issue
Classified ads are text-only ads that are displayed at the bottom of the newsletter. Each classified ad can contain one link and a maximum of 220 characters (no images, videos, or emojis!).
Email sent to 13,000+ subscribers
Featured at the bottom of the email
Text-only ad (180 characters)
Max 3 ads per issue
50% discount - limited time!
Best for indie makers and smaller companies
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Premium Sponsorship
£600 £299
per issue
Get a shoutout at the very top of the email - your ad will be the first thing subscribers see. Each sponsored post can include a full-width image banner, 500 characters ad copy, and a CTA button.
Reach 13,000+ founders
Featured at the top of the email
Image + text ad (500 characters)
Max one sponsor per issue
Featured on our website homepage
50% discount - limited time!
Best for larger startups
Book now
What are you waiting for?

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